Ada Village Preschool



Website Registration Link 2


click on the above image for link to registration form.  

Please note the form will become available at 6pm on January 13, 2025 for all families.




Registration Dates for FB 4


Schedule a Tour 2


click on the above image for link to schedule a tour.


Interested in registering a child for the current school year, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



2025-2026 Classes

Three Year Olds

In this warm introduction to school your child will explore, create, and discover the beginning structures of a classroom routine. Students engage in learning activities to promote academic, social, emotional, and motor development. Our early childhood teachers help our students discover how to share with others and equip them to learn how to create positive interactions with classmates and adults. There are two lead teachers with each class of 14 children.  3-year-old preschool classes are for children who are toilet-trained and are 3 years old by September 1, 2025.

  • Tuesday & Thursday:  Morning Class (2.5 hours)
    • $193 per month, $1,737 per year
  • Tuesday & Thursday:  Afternoon Class (2.5 hours)
    • $193 per month, $1,737 per year


Four Year Olds

Our 4-year-old program seeks to further develop the child's experiences while fostering curiosity, independence and providing the social & academic skills needed to thrive in kindergarten. The children learn through hands-on, play-based learning activities.  Our teachers recognize each students’ unique differences and provide appropriately scaffolded activities for 4-year-olds to learn and grow, meeting each child where they are developmentally.  There are two lead teachers with each class of 18 children.  4-year-old preschool classes are for children who are toilet-trained and are 4 years old by September 1, 2025.

  • Monday, Wednesday & Friday:  Traditional Morning Class - 9:00-11:30am (2.5 hours)
    • $266 per month, $2,394 per year
  • Monday, Wednesday & Friday:  Extended Day Class - 9:00-1:00pm (4 hours)
    • $412 per month, $3,708 per year
    • Incorporates lunch & extended day activities.


Young Fives

Our Young 5's class allows your child an extra year of learning and growing before entering kindergarten.  The young 5's program provides continued exposure to academic and social skill development through a variety of theme-based experiences.  While hands-on, play-based learning is central to our program, Young 5's has a more content focused curriculum.  Children's independence, self-confidence and the academic skills needed to thrive in kindergarten are fostered in this program.   There are two lead teachers with 18 children.   The Young 5's class is for children who are 5 years old by January 1, 2026; and it is recommended that children have completed a 4-year-old preschool program.

  • Monday – Friday: Midday start time (3.25 hours)
    • $525 per month, $4,725 per year
    • Incorporates lunch.


Fees, Enrollment Process & Policies

Registration Fee for all classes is $75 non-refundable due with the deposit following registration to our program.

Enrollment Process & Policies - Read more about our process & policies using this link.

Activity Fee is a one-time cost for field trips and special visitors.  It is collected in September for the four-year-old and young fives classes.













  • About Us
  • Explore
  • Develop
  • Connect


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Exploring The Outdoors!

An important part of each day is our outdoor play and exploration time, when the children strengthen and develop their large muscles, learn about our physical environment and develop a respect for nature.

Our play area incorporates an expansive lawn with shade trees, a play and climbing structures as well as natural elements which include two large sandbox and mud kitchen. Additional materials for large motor exploration, such as rakes, shovels, balls and riding toys are available for the children to choose on a daily basis.

Another highlight of our playground area is our children's garden which includes raised vegetable beds, a butterfly garden, a weather station and a compost bin. Teachers and children work together to prepare the soil, plant seeds and seedlings, maintain the garden and harvest the produce. Throughout the year, children are exposed to the entire life cycle of plants as they learn about all life stages through hands-on activities.

Our nature trail provides a path that allows teachers and children to take walks together to observe diverse plants, insects and animals in their natural habitats. Along the path, children plant bulbs and flowers as well as feed birds and animals in large platform feeders.

Community Helps Enrich The Learning Process

Ada Village Preschool addresses educational and developmental needs

Throughout the school year, our students participate in various rich and meaningful enrichment experiences which promote curiosity and understanding of the world around them. We invite people from our community, such as fire fighters, dentists/doctors and musicians, into our Three-Year-Old classes. Parents are welcome to come and help in our classrooms as well as share their careers, hobbies and/or interests with our students. We also have special family days throughout the year!

The Pre-Kindergarten and Four-Year-Old classes sing seasonal songs with a talented pianist during the year followed by engaging in musical productions for their families. We also invite professionals from our community to visit our program and share interesting information with our four and five year olds, such as John Ball Zoo Traveling Zoo, professional musicians and artists. Throughout the year, our Pre-Kindergarten and Four-Year-Old classes also participate in educational and exciting field trips within the Grand Rapids community.

Family-Staff Partnerships

At Ada Village Preschool, we believe that building strong family-staff relationships will help us provide the very best learning experience for every child. We offer personal tours of our program for each family before they register for preschool. Once families have enrolled their child in our school, we have a Family Orientation before school starts in the fall, to further introduce families to our program.

Building close relationships with our families remains a high priority throughout the year.  Our teachers foster the relationships with families after each class with a recap of the day's activities via Remind, teacher chats sessions once a week, monthly newsletter and informal chats at pick up.  

We always welcome adult family members to help out in our classrooms anytime. Parents and grandparents often share their hobbies, careers and interests with our students!

The teachers work closely with our students' families to set up goals for their child at our "Meet the Teacher" conferences at the beginning of the year. We also have Parent-Teacher Conferences in March to discuss each child's growth and development.

There are several opportunities throughout the year for parents to meet with other families and one of the preschool director to discuss a variety of early childhood topics and share ideas with each other.

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